There are 10 easy ways to help make your job interview go smoothly. Review these steps, practice and relax. After all, what is the worst thing that can happen? For many people the worst thing that can happen is "rejection" - not getting an offer. Try to look at the job interview as a learning experience.
Make sure you have these items under control before each interview and the interview process will go much smoother.
1. Look Sharp.
Before the interview, select your outfit. Depending on the industry and position, get out your best duds and check them over for spots and wrinkles. Even if the company has a casual environment, you don't want to look like you slept in your clothes. Above all, dress for confidence. If you feel good, others will respond to you accordingly.
2. Be on Time.
Never arrive late to an interview. Allow extra time to arrive early in the vicinity, allowing for factors like getting lost. Enter the building 10 to 15 minutes before the interview.
3. Do Your Research.
Researching the company before the interview and learning as much as possible about its services, products, customers and competition will give you an edge in understanding and addressing the company's needs. The more you know about the company and what it stands for, the better chance you have of selling yourself. You also should find out about the company's culture to gain insight into your potential happiness on the job.
4. Be Prepared.
Bring along a folder containing extra copies of your resume, a copy of your references and paper to take notes. You should also have questions prepared to ask at the end of the interview.
5. Show Enthusiasm.
A firm handshake and plenty of eye contact demonstrates confidence. Speak distinctly in a confident voice, even though you may feel shaky.
6. Listen.
One of the most neglected interviewing skills is listening. Make sure you are not only listening, but also reading between the lines. Sometimes what is not said is just as important as what is said.
7. Answer the Question Asked.
Candidates often don't think about whether or not they actually are answering the questions asked by their interviewers. Make sure you understand what is being asked, and get further clarification if you are unsure.
8. Give Specific Examples.
One specific example of your background is worth 50 vague stories. Prepare your stories before the interview. Give examples that highlight your successes and uniqueness. Your past behavior can indicate your future performance.
9. Ask Questions.
Many interviewees don't ask questions and miss the opportunity to find out valuable information. Your questions indicate your interest in the company or job.
10. Follow up.
Whether it's through email or regular mail, the follow-up is one more chance to remind the interviewer of all the valuable traits you bring to the job and company. You don't want to miss this last chance to market yourself.
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About the Author
Carole Martin, America's #1 Interview Coach is a contributing writer for Try her FREE practice interview at
Computer Related Jobs Software Information Technology Business Process Outsourcing IT/BPO. All about Computer jobs or Jobs related to Computer.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Are You Looking For The Perfect Job, But No Luck? by Gabriel Adams
Here are hints that will actually help that perfect job find YOU.
The first step you need to take when starting your job search is to decide exactly what type of job you want and what type of job you are qualified for. Make a list of abilities and interests that you have and another list of professions that appeal to you. When you have completed both lists, compare them carefully to determine which jobs would be compatible with your skills and interests. Now you're ready to put yourself out there on the job market.
Finding a job can be exhausting and depressing. Keeping yourself from becoming discouraged is one of the most crucial aspects of the job search. Try to find ways to boost your self-esteem and confidence after a long day of filling out applications and being interviewed. Having a friend that you can talk to will help a great deal in that regard, someone who will be supportive and encouraging.
Knowing your value and being able to communicate your aptitude to a potential employer is another key factor in being offered any job. If you feel confident that you would be able to perform the job and do it well, the employer will be assured that you are the right choice to hire for that job.
Your Resume
If you are considering diverse types of jobs, then you will need to create a unique resume for each position that you are going to apply for. Make sure that for each you emphasize your relevant experience and skills for that specific job. Honesty is also extremely essential in your resume as well. While creative enhancement of your experience and knowledge is quite acceptable, out right lying is never a good idea. And not only because if you are caught you will lose that job, but if you say that you know how to do something but actually don't, you're just going to make the job more difficult.
Spread the Word
More people actually find the perfect job through word of mouth rather than the want ads. It's known as networking and it works like this; you let your friends and acquaintances know that you are seeking a job, they mention it to people that they know and so on. Pretty soon, someone who is seeking an employee finds out about you, or someone will know of someone who is looking to hire, they tell you and you go apply for that job. It sounds as if it would take a long time, but remember that word travels fast.
Organize and Prepare
Success is earned with determination and dedication. Keep yourself prepared and organized so that when the perfect job opportunity comes along, you'll be ready willing and able to make that job your own. Make sure that your resume is up to date and well written, keep your favorite interview outfit clean and pressed, and most importantly, keep your chin up and your mind open.
About the Author
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The first step you need to take when starting your job search is to decide exactly what type of job you want and what type of job you are qualified for. Make a list of abilities and interests that you have and another list of professions that appeal to you. When you have completed both lists, compare them carefully to determine which jobs would be compatible with your skills and interests. Now you're ready to put yourself out there on the job market.
Finding a job can be exhausting and depressing. Keeping yourself from becoming discouraged is one of the most crucial aspects of the job search. Try to find ways to boost your self-esteem and confidence after a long day of filling out applications and being interviewed. Having a friend that you can talk to will help a great deal in that regard, someone who will be supportive and encouraging.
Knowing your value and being able to communicate your aptitude to a potential employer is another key factor in being offered any job. If you feel confident that you would be able to perform the job and do it well, the employer will be assured that you are the right choice to hire for that job.
Your Resume
If you are considering diverse types of jobs, then you will need to create a unique resume for each position that you are going to apply for. Make sure that for each you emphasize your relevant experience and skills for that specific job. Honesty is also extremely essential in your resume as well. While creative enhancement of your experience and knowledge is quite acceptable, out right lying is never a good idea. And not only because if you are caught you will lose that job, but if you say that you know how to do something but actually don't, you're just going to make the job more difficult.
Spread the Word
More people actually find the perfect job through word of mouth rather than the want ads. It's known as networking and it works like this; you let your friends and acquaintances know that you are seeking a job, they mention it to people that they know and so on. Pretty soon, someone who is seeking an employee finds out about you, or someone will know of someone who is looking to hire, they tell you and you go apply for that job. It sounds as if it would take a long time, but remember that word travels fast.
Organize and Prepare
Success is earned with determination and dedication. Keep yourself prepared and organized so that when the perfect job opportunity comes along, you'll be ready willing and able to make that job your own. Make sure that your resume is up to date and well written, keep your favorite interview outfit clean and pressed, and most importantly, keep your chin up and your mind open.
About the Author
find a job at
Writing An IT Resume That Stands Out by Jason Kay
Information technology jobs are popping up in unheard-of numbers all over the world. After all, everyone uses computers today, which means everyone needs help figuring them out and fixing them when things go awry. But just because more IT jobs are available than ever before doesn't mean that you can slap together a so-so resume and assume you'll be hired. Why not? Because there are also more applicants than ever before. So it's crucial that your resume is both eye-catching and informative. Below are some tips that will help you stand out from the IT crowd and land an interview for your dream job.
* Target your resume to the job. Your resume will be given more weight if it's clear that you've created it especially for the IT job that's been posted. Look through the requirements for the job and make sure your corresponding skills and experience are the first things listed on your resume.
* Use the skills section. Most people have a skills section on their resume, but they include two or three "skills" such as two years of college French or the ability to create PowerPoint presentations. For the IT resume, however, the skills section is one of the most important and should be placed before your work history. This is where you can really put yourself head and shoulders above the competition by listing all of your experience with and knowledge of hardware and software. Just make sure your lists are organized into easy-to-read segments.
* Give certifications and experience equal weight. IT is one profession where experience counts at least as much as any certifications you have. Don't get me wrong; certifications are important. They show that you've put in the time to learn important programs and procedures. But if you're light on certifications, it's not necessarily a deal breaker. Most companies would rather hire someone with three years of the experience they need than someone with a dozen certifications but no hands-on experience.
* Demonstrate problem-solving abilities. At its core, information technology is all about problem-solving--finding a problem, identifying its cause, and correcting the problem. Make sure your resume reflects the most impressive ways you've used your problem-solving skills in the past to help your company or clients resolve their IT issues.
* Avoid jargon and acronyms. Information technology uses more jargon and acronyms than just about any other field, so IT applicants need to be especially careful when it comes to abusing them on a resume. Don't assume that someone familiar with IT terms will be reading your resume--at least not at every step in the process. Depending on the company, your resume may go through a general hiring manager first, and if he or she can't decipher your resume, it may get tossed.
* Don't exaggerate. Stretching the truth, exaggerating, outright lying--call it what you will, but playing fast and loose with your experience or credentials will most likely come back to haunt you. Companies aren't going to entrust their precious IT infrastructure to just anyone and usually do more extensive checking on IT candidates. Put your experience in the best light, but stick to the truth.
* Identify your value. Clearly state the value that you will bring to your potential employer. Don't assume that your skills, experience, and certifications are saying it for you; spell it out. "I am able to single-handedly support your mainframe needs, as evidenced by (insert experience)..." says a lot more to employers than a simple fact or number. Companies want to get the most bang for their buck, and you need to prove that hiring you is the best decision they could make.
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About the Author
Jason Kay is a professional resume writer who is dedicated to providing job seekers with resources and information that assist with each step of the job search cycle. Read resume writing service reviews and ratings, resume distribution advice, and interview tips at
* Target your resume to the job. Your resume will be given more weight if it's clear that you've created it especially for the IT job that's been posted. Look through the requirements for the job and make sure your corresponding skills and experience are the first things listed on your resume.
* Use the skills section. Most people have a skills section on their resume, but they include two or three "skills" such as two years of college French or the ability to create PowerPoint presentations. For the IT resume, however, the skills section is one of the most important and should be placed before your work history. This is where you can really put yourself head and shoulders above the competition by listing all of your experience with and knowledge of hardware and software. Just make sure your lists are organized into easy-to-read segments.
* Give certifications and experience equal weight. IT is one profession where experience counts at least as much as any certifications you have. Don't get me wrong; certifications are important. They show that you've put in the time to learn important programs and procedures. But if you're light on certifications, it's not necessarily a deal breaker. Most companies would rather hire someone with three years of the experience they need than someone with a dozen certifications but no hands-on experience.
* Demonstrate problem-solving abilities. At its core, information technology is all about problem-solving--finding a problem, identifying its cause, and correcting the problem. Make sure your resume reflects the most impressive ways you've used your problem-solving skills in the past to help your company or clients resolve their IT issues.
* Avoid jargon and acronyms. Information technology uses more jargon and acronyms than just about any other field, so IT applicants need to be especially careful when it comes to abusing them on a resume. Don't assume that someone familiar with IT terms will be reading your resume--at least not at every step in the process. Depending on the company, your resume may go through a general hiring manager first, and if he or she can't decipher your resume, it may get tossed.
* Don't exaggerate. Stretching the truth, exaggerating, outright lying--call it what you will, but playing fast and loose with your experience or credentials will most likely come back to haunt you. Companies aren't going to entrust their precious IT infrastructure to just anyone and usually do more extensive checking on IT candidates. Put your experience in the best light, but stick to the truth.
* Identify your value. Clearly state the value that you will bring to your potential employer. Don't assume that your skills, experience, and certifications are saying it for you; spell it out. "I am able to single-handedly support your mainframe needs, as evidenced by (insert experience)..." says a lot more to employers than a simple fact or number. Companies want to get the most bang for their buck, and you need to prove that hiring you is the best decision they could make.
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About the Author
Jason Kay is a professional resume writer who is dedicated to providing job seekers with resources and information that assist with each step of the job search cycle. Read resume writing service reviews and ratings, resume distribution advice, and interview tips at
Career Education Is Your Goal with Every Interviewer by Don Monteith
Expand your career education by finding competent interviewers in the marketplace with employers in your field of choice.
Learning about the firm from the interviewer and Internet research is important to your success. Don't be bashful, ask whatever you want to know.
Sure, timing is important but you should have all the details about every career position before you leave the interview.
Hold off the urge to ask about money during the early part of your interview. You probably don't want to appear only interested in CASH rewards, but the answer needs to come somewhere in the process.
If the firm is not able to meet your financial requirements then it's best to keep searching for one that has the potential to make an offer.
Sure, there are many avenues of interest to discover. The first questions that need to be answered are.... can you do the job? Do you have the skills? Talent? Education? Knowledge? Do you have experience already in this field?
Obviously, you have more questions.... assuming you answered YES to our initial questions. Once you have met with the interviewer and he believes you have "what it takes" to do the job, then we can begin to sneak in the important questions... about compensation, benefits, work hours, job assignment, supervision, the title you'll have as an employee, etc.
There's usually an understanding that if you don't ask for "it" upfront [before your new job begins] you may as well forget about "seeing" it in your future.
For example, 2 weeks vacation may be the "norm" but maybe you can negotiate a better agreement with 3,4 or 5 weeks; start other benefits immediately rather than in 90 days.... worth thinking about during the initial interviews with the executive staff or owners.
Leave NO lingering questions ~ ask if you don't know or if you don't understand. Your interviewer will certainly respect you for having the tenacity to ASK when questions remain unanswered.
If you get rejected or made to feel foolish, then I would think long and hard before hanging my hat with this company.
The real truth about a firm is often hidden, covered-up, or a bad situation not revealed. It's important that you dig deep for any underlying skeletons, bad publicity or press, dishonesty within the ranks, especially at the executive level of the firm or the owners behind the scenes.
Don't be afraid of diversity, doing something new, even if it's usually another "gender" position, at least in the past decade or two. Women are doing jobs formerly filled by men most of the time and now men are doing jobs "normally" filled by women in the past, i.e. ... wait staff, nurses, secretaries, even the bus boy/girl cleaning tables. are non-gender focused today.
Your focus should be on opportunity not whether it's different from your past experiences in the job market.
Be open to change, new exposures in the business marketplace are happening and offer career choices in every field of enterprise.
Keep your notebook handy, especially when you're interviewing with the competition in your niche industry.
Write down all the questions you are asked, think about your answers, right or wrong, it becomes added ammunition in your own arsenal of Q and A, to have on the very tip of your tongue for an easy response next time around.
Ask for the firms EMPLOYEE MANUAL and any additional "propaganda" advertising or financial reports that may be available in the public eye.
Every firm should be willing to share their history and future goals with you during the interview process.
I'd take the EM and reports home with me and spend a little time reading all the fine print. You may turn up a few surprises that the interviewer overlooked telling you about.
I'd want to know if the company promotes from within or always goes on the outside to look for a new employee.
Think about it! You've got to get promoted to reach your 5 year goals, at least that's my assumption as you find a beginning place to start your climb up the corporate ladder.
In conclusion, let me suggest visiting several local organizations, especially the Chamber of Commerce and others to discover if the firm is a good citizen, do they support local groups, i.e. the United way, the BBB [Better Business Bureau] and there may be other places this firm is well connected to in the community as a good citizen.
Article Source:
About the Author
Don Monteith spent 32 years as co-owner of several franchises. Today he shares his experiences with many publishers of his articles and his websites.
Learning about the firm from the interviewer and Internet research is important to your success. Don't be bashful, ask whatever you want to know.
Sure, timing is important but you should have all the details about every career position before you leave the interview.
Hold off the urge to ask about money during the early part of your interview. You probably don't want to appear only interested in CASH rewards, but the answer needs to come somewhere in the process.
If the firm is not able to meet your financial requirements then it's best to keep searching for one that has the potential to make an offer.
Sure, there are many avenues of interest to discover. The first questions that need to be answered are.... can you do the job? Do you have the skills? Talent? Education? Knowledge? Do you have experience already in this field?
Obviously, you have more questions.... assuming you answered YES to our initial questions. Once you have met with the interviewer and he believes you have "what it takes" to do the job, then we can begin to sneak in the important questions... about compensation, benefits, work hours, job assignment, supervision, the title you'll have as an employee, etc.
There's usually an understanding that if you don't ask for "it" upfront [before your new job begins] you may as well forget about "seeing" it in your future.
For example, 2 weeks vacation may be the "norm" but maybe you can negotiate a better agreement with 3,4 or 5 weeks; start other benefits immediately rather than in 90 days.... worth thinking about during the initial interviews with the executive staff or owners.
Leave NO lingering questions ~ ask if you don't know or if you don't understand. Your interviewer will certainly respect you for having the tenacity to ASK when questions remain unanswered.
If you get rejected or made to feel foolish, then I would think long and hard before hanging my hat with this company.
The real truth about a firm is often hidden, covered-up, or a bad situation not revealed. It's important that you dig deep for any underlying skeletons, bad publicity or press, dishonesty within the ranks, especially at the executive level of the firm or the owners behind the scenes.
Don't be afraid of diversity, doing something new, even if it's usually another "gender" position, at least in the past decade or two. Women are doing jobs formerly filled by men most of the time and now men are doing jobs "normally" filled by women in the past, i.e. ... wait staff, nurses, secretaries, even the bus boy/girl cleaning tables. are non-gender focused today.
Your focus should be on opportunity not whether it's different from your past experiences in the job market.
Be open to change, new exposures in the business marketplace are happening and offer career choices in every field of enterprise.
Keep your notebook handy, especially when you're interviewing with the competition in your niche industry.
Write down all the questions you are asked, think about your answers, right or wrong, it becomes added ammunition in your own arsenal of Q and A, to have on the very tip of your tongue for an easy response next time around.
Ask for the firms EMPLOYEE MANUAL and any additional "propaganda" advertising or financial reports that may be available in the public eye.
Every firm should be willing to share their history and future goals with you during the interview process.
I'd take the EM and reports home with me and spend a little time reading all the fine print. You may turn up a few surprises that the interviewer overlooked telling you about.
I'd want to know if the company promotes from within or always goes on the outside to look for a new employee.
Think about it! You've got to get promoted to reach your 5 year goals, at least that's my assumption as you find a beginning place to start your climb up the corporate ladder.
In conclusion, let me suggest visiting several local organizations, especially the Chamber of Commerce and others to discover if the firm is a good citizen, do they support local groups, i.e. the United way, the BBB [Better Business Bureau] and there may be other places this firm is well connected to in the community as a good citizen.
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About the Author
Don Monteith spent 32 years as co-owner of several franchises. Today he shares his experiences with many publishers of his articles and his websites.
Reaching Your Goals with Career Builders by Sharon Walker
Not everyone has heard of career builders before. They are actually necessary tools to help you build your career, so that you can get the job you want, be happy with it and succeed in it. All these attributes will eventually lead to a fulfilling career.
Career builders can take a number of forms, and the usual type include training, seminars, workshops and continuing education. If you willingly and actively participate in these activities, you are sure to get an edge over others.
If you are looking for a job, you may not even need to be seen for an interview. You simply have to present the skills you acquired in the builder programs in your resume to convince your future employer what you can do. In case you are currently employed, taking a career building program can help improve the package of skills and services that you can offer to your employer. Whether it is an improved work attitude or new skills, the employer will definitely notice you more.
When you inform your employer of your participation in career building programs, you are not only giving a hint that you have become more capable, skilled and updated in your field. You are also giving an indication that you are committed and eager to advance your skills and knowledge for the benefit of the company. An employer loves no one better than an employee who is always open to change and improvement.
With the big number and various types of career building programs out there, however, to choose the right to take can be challenging. We are all convinced of the benefits of these programs, but we like the program we choose to not only deliver maximum results but also suit our time schedule and budget. How can you tell which program is most appropriate for you?
To ask for the opinion of a career consultant might be the best way to get an answer. Career counselors have been especially trained to find out the strengths and weaknesses of a person in a given field. This will allow him to assess which program fits you most in your situation.
A gradual, long-term continuing education program might be the right option for some people. For others, however, a short-term condensed course may serve the same purpose of career development. The latter may include a one-day seminar on writing business letters, resumes and corporate memos, or some short courses about how to dress properly, how to speak in public and how to make simple presentations. Programs and seminars that teach you the simplest and most basic things may unknowingly be great career building helpers.
In any case, career builders are not something that you can put off for later. With the competition in the employment force today, you definitely have to consider them as part of your life, especially if you want to be better equipped to take on more demanding responsibilities and challenges.
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About the Author
Are you considering on undertaking career builders to help with your career development? If you are serious, you may wish to visit our career development guide for more details dedicated to your career success.
Career builders can take a number of forms, and the usual type include training, seminars, workshops and continuing education. If you willingly and actively participate in these activities, you are sure to get an edge over others.
If you are looking for a job, you may not even need to be seen for an interview. You simply have to present the skills you acquired in the builder programs in your resume to convince your future employer what you can do. In case you are currently employed, taking a career building program can help improve the package of skills and services that you can offer to your employer. Whether it is an improved work attitude or new skills, the employer will definitely notice you more.
When you inform your employer of your participation in career building programs, you are not only giving a hint that you have become more capable, skilled and updated in your field. You are also giving an indication that you are committed and eager to advance your skills and knowledge for the benefit of the company. An employer loves no one better than an employee who is always open to change and improvement.
With the big number and various types of career building programs out there, however, to choose the right to take can be challenging. We are all convinced of the benefits of these programs, but we like the program we choose to not only deliver maximum results but also suit our time schedule and budget. How can you tell which program is most appropriate for you?
To ask for the opinion of a career consultant might be the best way to get an answer. Career counselors have been especially trained to find out the strengths and weaknesses of a person in a given field. This will allow him to assess which program fits you most in your situation.
A gradual, long-term continuing education program might be the right option for some people. For others, however, a short-term condensed course may serve the same purpose of career development. The latter may include a one-day seminar on writing business letters, resumes and corporate memos, or some short courses about how to dress properly, how to speak in public and how to make simple presentations. Programs and seminars that teach you the simplest and most basic things may unknowingly be great career building helpers.
In any case, career builders are not something that you can put off for later. With the competition in the employment force today, you definitely have to consider them as part of your life, especially if you want to be better equipped to take on more demanding responsibilities and challenges.
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About the Author
Are you considering on undertaking career builders to help with your career development? If you are serious, you may wish to visit our career development guide for more details dedicated to your career success.
IT-BPO revenue may cross $48 bn
By: Bharat Jain
The Indian IT-BPO sector is projected to record a growth of 28% in 2006-07, both in the exports and domestic business firms. The revenues are liable to exceed the USD 47.8 billion, almost 10-fold increase over the aggregate revenue in 1998. The straight service presented by the segment is likely to cross 1.6 million. In 1998, the cumulative IT-BPO revenue was USD 4.8 billion.
Nasscom Strategic Review 2007 asserts that IT services exports accounts for 55-57 per cent of overall exports, is on the rise at 36 per cent and in 2006-07, it is looking forward to arrive at $18.1 billion.
With the share in the business-merge increasing speedily, newer areas of application and infrastructure management testing are gaining the grip of it. As a result of adopting a vertical focused approach; BPOs keep on growing in scale and scope with the firms more progressively.
In 2006-07, total BPO Services exports are hoping to go beyond $8.3 billion, rising by 32 per cent annually. India’s efforts in its own IP creation have been complemented due to its increased traction in the offshore product development and engineering services. This group is on the increase at 22-23 per cent and is expected to report $4.9 billion in exports in 2006-07. The domestic market is also lifting up.
In 2006-07, the whole size of the domestic market will likely to cross $15.9 billion, a growth of 21 per cent twelve-monthly. In the past few years, even though this segment has been guided by the multinationals, Indian firms are gradually gaining the floor.
Article Source:
Author: Bharat Jain Source From:, an“>outsourcing hub where provider and buyer exchange their needs. Looking to outsource“>IT services? Visit
The Indian IT-BPO sector is projected to record a growth of 28% in 2006-07, both in the exports and domestic business firms. The revenues are liable to exceed the USD 47.8 billion, almost 10-fold increase over the aggregate revenue in 1998. The straight service presented by the segment is likely to cross 1.6 million. In 1998, the cumulative IT-BPO revenue was USD 4.8 billion.
Nasscom Strategic Review 2007 asserts that IT services exports accounts for 55-57 per cent of overall exports, is on the rise at 36 per cent and in 2006-07, it is looking forward to arrive at $18.1 billion.
With the share in the business-merge increasing speedily, newer areas of application and infrastructure management testing are gaining the grip of it. As a result of adopting a vertical focused approach; BPOs keep on growing in scale and scope with the firms more progressively.
In 2006-07, total BPO Services exports are hoping to go beyond $8.3 billion, rising by 32 per cent annually. India’s efforts in its own IP creation have been complemented due to its increased traction in the offshore product development and engineering services. This group is on the increase at 22-23 per cent and is expected to report $4.9 billion in exports in 2006-07. The domestic market is also lifting up.
In 2006-07, the whole size of the domestic market will likely to cross $15.9 billion, a growth of 21 per cent twelve-monthly. In the past few years, even though this segment has been guided by the multinationals, Indian firms are gradually gaining the floor.
Article Source:
Author: Bharat Jain Source From:, an“>outsourcing hub where provider and buyer exchange their needs. Looking to outsource“>IT services? Visit
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